Tag Archives: PGCEA

The PGCEA Speech that made the Uniserve reps angry.


During the speeches for a Board seat with the PGCEA, candidate Suzanne Windsor ruffled some feathers when she directly addressed the Union’s need for greater action on behalf of its members. She pointed out the disparity between the number of times PGCEA was a plaintiff on behalf of  its members versus the number of times PGCEA was a defendant for failure to represent it’s members. She also mentioned and produced documentation of a “cheat sheet” that Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Human Resources developed to assist with getting a teacher fired or retired. This candidate is boldly fighting for greater accountability and stands for reform of the entire Prince George’s County Public School District.

To transform the county, teachers and other educators need to stand up for what is right and refuse to let the politicians manage their careers and the innocent children suffer. If Prince George’s County Educators can take ownership of their District, problems such as the ones experienced recently with children being sexually molested will be a thing of the past. Teachers and other Educators interested in public service need to run for public offices to help change the county from within. In the fight against poverty and injustice, local leaders need the tools and power to demand and deliver greater accountability.

As the world works to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030 including here in Prince George’s County,  corruption remains a significant challenge to that goal in many ays. This is because corruption not only steals the precious resources that could create jobs, improve health care, build better schools or build infrastructure, but also erodes trust in public institutions and chills private investment. And though corruption has been a primary concern for both donor community and developing countries around the world, likewise, here in Prince George’s County we haven’t made much progress in several ways.

That’s not for lack of trying, however. The problem is that too many administrators within the county and practitioners hold an antiquated view of corruption — and it’s holding back the fight to improve accountability and good governance including making the Unions such as PGCEA accountable. If we are going to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the future, what we need now is not more of the same, but a willingness to try new and better approaches to fighting corruption including electing new leaders with better record for engaging the truth to power.

We are all guilty of getting stuck into a routine on a daily basis. Routines that are not so healthy for us but we keep doing it because it’s comfortable. Then we sit and wonder why we can’t get into shape, keep attracting the same type of person, or experiencing the same life lessons over and over. Well, it’s because you keep doing the same thing! Therefore getting the same results.

Here is the speech which rattled the PGCEA Union and made the Uniserve reps angry.




Oppose injustice and oppression in PG.


To oppose injustice and oppression is not something that is merely political. It is profoundly religious. Can you imagine what the gospel means to people whose dignity is trodden underfoot every day of their lives, to those who have had their noses rubbed in the dust as if they did not count like happened in the Tyranny of Hutu numbers in Rwanda and recently in Kenya?

Despots and dictators ban books and literature and any newsletters they think are subversive, but the book they should actually ban is the Bible, for nothing could be more radical, more revolutionary once a society faces up to the awfulness of injustice, oppression and discrimination and Tyranny of any form. Some of us for one are involved in social struggle because we are spiritual not political. We are obeying the imperatives of our faith. Would anyone say Moses was a religious leader or a political leader? Was God acting religiously or politically when He set free enslaved people? Throughout the Bible you read how frequently the prophets act on behalf of God or speak on behalf of God and they speak in what we call political areas! If your religion does not affect the way you live your life, it’s a religion God rejects. We must lose the fetters of injustice and set free those who have been crushed.

As we welcome the new Superintendent in Prince George’s County  this school year, we pray that injustice and the corruption currently prevailing throughout the School District and fueled by the Unions politics will be crashed. The dirty politics to continue the status quo is led by  ASASP, ACE-AFSCME LOCAL 2250, PGCEA, MSEA, other officers and some BOE members who might have direct connection with the previous regime receiving union support clandestinely. At Sasscer admin Building the problem is centered around PGCPS Legal department led by Thatcher law firm, HR and Labor relations officers.  These problem areas must be dwelt with heads on. We pray for new leadership within these areas including the Unions to be led by people who fear God.  AMEN.

