Monthly Archives: July 2012

Good riddance to Dr.William Hite Jr.

Dr. William Hite Jr (pictured above) is a pathological liar, there’s no doubt about that. He is also a cover-up artist. If the court reports in Greenbelt Federal courts are correct in its summary of the Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) corruption and sexual exploitation of children scandal, the public Dr. William Hite Jr of the last few years is a work of fiction. In his place is a hubristic, indictable hypocrite. He should not be a Superintendent of schools anywhere!

According to concerned citizens of Prince George’s County, we must abolish entire PGCPS leadership led by Dr. Hite and Ms. Verjeana Jacobs in the wake of findings by the federal judge that Scott Smallwood, of Upper Marlboro and an employee of PGCPS hid his crimes of being a child rapist.  The three-hour sentencing hearing on Wednesday July 18, 2012 involved home movies of sexual acts, trembling verbal testimonies from distraught family members and an exhibit of a homemade doll that resembled an anatomically correct adolescent boy Smallwood used in what U.S. District Court Judge Roger W. Titus called his own “fantasy world.” (Read more) “This is a very sad day especially since this happened again not too long ago in Bowie High School in which students were forced in prostitution by athletic coaches”, said a concerned PG parent. Another incident involving student sexual exploitation happened in Flowers High school as well under the leadership of Dr. William Hite Jr.  We need to put a stop to Board of Education’s shenanigans. We have finally reached the tipping point for sure and we have had enough. Enough is enough with cover up and appointing select few who are politically connected like Ms. Monica Goldson as Chief Operating Officer (COO) in order to continue the status quo.

We have said over and over again that, The PGCPS leadership lacks vision, and they continue to bend to parents who lack the insight to recognize that their failure to have control over the student body and place the right staff in the right place has led to an environment in which few are educated but all get diplomas at the end of the school year. Thus very few college graduates emerge from this school district that has many students taking the AP exam but keeps no records on those passing the AP exam. This year for example Central High School had students photographing AP exams and posting the pages on the internet because students are used to using their cell phones while in class and the school staff is powerless to stop it. There is no doubt  Dr. Hite is an outstanding education reform propagandist. Unfortunately there is no substance underneath the propaganda. The Prince George’s County public school district has seriously deteriorated under his leadership which was certainly hampered by a know nothing and do nothing school board again led by one Ms. Verjeana Jacobs.

Therefore, it is disturbing that our members of the Board of Education recently spent untold hours debating who should be included in Executive Session in an apparent battle over whether our student Board member should be included to hear set of facts involving Adult matters.

That’s really not the issue. We want our curricula to be based on sound, empirical data and grounded in common sense. Unfortunately, the best interests of our students and our county have taken a back seat to the promotion of an ideological agenda focused on Board of Education chairperson’s rival in November 2012 election.

Do we need to have public input regarding curricula coming out of the PGCPS Education Agency? Certainly. But the actions of the PGCPS BOE provide more of a distraction than meaningful oversight of our public education system.

If Dr. William Hite knew about corruption, nepotism, professional misconduct  and sexual exploitation of children scandal within the system and refused to do something about it, then he isn’t and wasn’t some aging granddad who was deceived, but a canny and unfeeling power broker who put protecting his reputation ahead of protecting children and staff. There is no question he engaged in a cover-up, “an active agreement of concealment in collaboration with Chief legal counsel Mr. Roger Thomas and others within and outside PGCPS.”

The only explanation we can find for this “striking lack of empathy” is self-absorption. In asking how a paragon of virtue could have behaved like such a thoroughly bad guy, the only available answer is that Dr. William Hite Jr. is no different from Paterno who fell prey to the single most corrosive sin in sports: the belief that winning on the field makes you better and more important than other people.

We can’t afford to continue applying Band-Aids, hoping for a cure. At the very least, we should depoliticize our county  board by taking partisan politics out of the mix. The last resort would be to abolish the board altogether.

The best solution, we suspect, lies somewhere in between. We  look forward to working with  legislators and community leaders to address the problems. The fates of our students and our future — even our history — demands it.

As Dr. William Hite Jr. prepares to jump off ship to Philly, it’s a good riddance for sure!

Faith Jackson – (Harvard Bound) shows leadership.

Student Board Member Faith Jackson (Pictured above)

A very interesting BOE meeting took place on June 28, 2012 in Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS). The day began with Student Board member Faith Jackson expressing her frustration with education in PGCPS District and the corruption within the system. Faith Jackson’s speech is within the first half hour of this video. So please take a closer look. ~~> BOE Video.

For those who do not know Faith Jackson, She is a Charles H. Flowers High School (Mecca of Excellence) graduate who is Harvard-bound. Before choosing Harvard, Faith Jackson worked very hard under difficult circumstances while balancing many things such as, being the voice of thousands of students in BOE,extra curricular activities and the academics. At the end of the academic year, She had to choose between Harvard,Yale & Princeton universities among others. Finally,she choose Harvard University. In addition, Faith who was Charles H. Flowers High School Valedictorian for 2012 graduation class also participated in Soccer and swim teams in PGCPS. She will be remembered for many things among them, showing great courage while under pressure from some of her colleagues in the board. By the time of going to the press, she was under threat of retaliation for making the above speech. The BOE has been undergoing transformation under a watchful active citizenry both from within PG county and around the world. See top priority list here ~~> PGCPS priority for incoming BOE

We have a real serious problem in this county because we have intelligent, involved students such as Ms. Jackson who want to do more to solve some of the issues within this system but they are often shuned off because of bad leadership within the school District, but then you have ignorant individuals who don’t do the research, who do not care about the students or the staff, who are basically ignoring everything, and too ignorant to know that the individuals they have elected some are too incompetent to ever make this school system as good as it could be. The Board Chairperson, Dr. William Hite Jr and chief legal counsel are the epicenter of the corruption in PGCPS. They are in turn supported by close collaborators whose mission is to cover up. Read more. We honestly wouldn’t be surprised if years from now, Ms. Jackson is one of those individuals who refuses to affiliate herself with this sorry excuse for a school system. Corruption is very bad cancer and we must say “No” to it at the first sight. Just look at what happened to former county executive Mr. Jack Johnson and his wife Leslie Johnson. Another example is former superintendent Andre J. Hornsby

What was so interesting about the majority of the meeting is that you see the video profiling Jackson, including her description about how she had to learn to work with the system after coming in expecting to change so much. Then you see the comment from the principal speaking to Jackson’s need to “temper her passion.” Following the profile, you hear Jackson, and young lady is ticked! LOL. We don’t blame her. Damn, we could relate, in dealing with the system many of us in the movement. At the end, when you hear the public comments, you can see the story unfolding, and know why Ms.Jackson finally had enough. She has had enough with them and now it was time to fight the corruption heads on. Dr. Hite who was sitting nearby did not acknowledge her after her speech.

Many people in PG County are not involved with the school system the way they should be doing. It’s sad, but what’s even more sad is that, most parents don’t even show up to PTA meetings to hold these individuals accountable. Not just because we got a bunch of minorities working in the schools, many of these parents assume these people really care about their kids. We applaud Ms. Faith Jackson for her courage to speak up about these issues. It took real temerity to go up in front of the Board and the Superintendent of schools to say what she said. She is already off to a great start because she has already figured things out at the age of 18 what grown adults have not figured out in decades of living here. Reform Sasscer movement is very proud of her achievements and wishes her success in every way possible and in her future endeavors. She is a great leader!

“We must always remember that, leadership can show up anywhere and at anytime.” said one parent recently after watching the above video. Faith is very honest and shown great candor in dealing with the current Board. She clearly demonstrated all is possible and set high standards too. The fact is that, this young lady is very brave beyond her years. History will judge her well and she has made a permanent mark in the PGCPS history books as we move forward. In the meantime, corrupt leadership starting with Dr. William Hite and others are starting to jump off ship one by one…. It’s time!

Misfortune follows incompetent previous IT director.

 Tough luck follows incompetency after former bully director is fired again.Here again poor fellow Mr. Pierre Dickson (pictured above) has been fired again this time from a contractor position affiliated with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). We received reports that he was attempting to harass the moon on his way to mars.  Anyway, on a more serious note, it is hard for an old dog to learn new tricks.  Mr. Dickson has made an incomprehensible amount of mistakes over the past few years and does not do justice to how much hurt he has put his family through. He abandoned his family from their LaPlata home and they got uprooted  after he failed to pay the mortgage. It’s a shame the fellow continues to see his old flame Ms. Shanita Anderson clandestinely. (See Mr. Dickson’s divorce papers here) and his response to the divorce complaint here ~~>Pierre Dickson divorce papers. In his answer to the complaint, Mr. Dickson acknowledges almost all the allegations his wife makes. However, he is also seeking divorce on grounds of voluntary separation. The man has no loyalty to anybody including his wife who beared him two kids.

As we have said before, Mr. Pierre Dickson is a one trick pony with a signature theme song of incompetency and harassment. What is the next port of call? Night club bouncer? Since he loves women so much. Maybe a security guard at a Go-go club? We think not. Too many women involved again. This begs the question how did this man land a job in Prince George’s County public schools ( PGCPS) with influence over our children and the staff? Whoever hired this man in PGCPS Human Resources should be fired immediately, unless he or she is already fired. In that case, then it will be good riddance to bad trash. In the future for the sake of our kids, we need to ensure those who hire bad apples to be in contact with our children and the staff are held accountable.

There will come a time in every man’s life when things don’t go his way. This is the reality of life, and we are here to tell that it’s both juvenile and stupid to think that you will always be right or that you will always find yourself on the winning end. You won’t, so deal with it Mr. Dickson. Occasionally the only choice you have is to be a man and face the music, much like Dr. William R. Hite Jr is dealing with it. Nothing yanks our chains more than some punk who can’t accept the fact that he’s not infallible. A real man is one who can face up to his mistakes and learn something from them so that he never repeats them. So, unless you are the pope, Mr. Dickson listen up, because this is important. A faithful reader recently asked an age-old question: When is it OK to admit you’re wrong? Although this question has puzzled men for centuries, the answer is quite simple: when you’re wrong.  We know many of yous are probably thinking, “Isn’t admitting defeat a bit like quitting?” The answer to this question is no. In fact, it couldn’t be further from quitting. Allow me to elaborate. We belive we can learn as much from ‘fallen’ leaders and their failures as we can from those who have not made them. Samson is a good example in Scripture. Samson was a ruler of Israel for 20 years. He had everything going for him – supernatural strength, good looks, and a divine anointing to lead God’s people. And yet, in spite of all that, he blew it. He wasted his life and brought all kinds of troubles on himself. He became his own worst enemy.
Samson’s life is told in the book of Judges. Chapters 14-16 tell of his supernatural conception, his Nazirite consecration, his exploits as a Judge of Israel and his fall from grace. Even though he lived so long ago, his story typifies three of the most common ways we bring trouble on ourselves. If we identify these traps, with God’s help, we can not only make sense of the mess Mr. Dickson and others in PGCPS may be in right now, but we can also find a way out. “Samson went down to Timnah and saw there a young Philistine woman… (Judges 14:1) “One day Samson went to Gaza, where he saw a prostitute.” (Judges 16:1)

Samson had two big weaknesses in his life. He never learned to control either of them. What were they? Samson lacked self-control over his temper and his lust. All his life they plagued him and eventually led to his downfall. There is no difference in what Mr. Pierre Dickson, Dr. Hite etc. did to others in PGCPS in relation to Samson.

Samson had a weakness of uncontrolled physical desire. Though physically strong, he was morally weak. For him it was really kind of game: “How close to the fire can I get and not get burned? How close to the edge of the cliff can I get and not fall off?” Samson deliberately ignored God’s moral principles, particularly in the area of physical desires. Having taken a vow to avoid drinking wine, he should never have been hanging around a place like Timnah, renowned for its vineyards (Judges 14:5). Had he avoided the place he would never have been attracted to marry someone who was his enemy. The first step toward sin is being in the wrong place. We must be careful where we go.

PGCPS Board of Education, please take note we are watching who you chose to replace this pathetic excuse of candidates. We demand and deserve better this time. There ought to be a proper nationwide search of credible candidates, without cutting corners. Better rules needs to be established to create checks and balances within the county’s system. There must be accountability and transparency involving the county superintendent in the future regime.  We have had enough. Enough is enough.

Take a poll on Dr. Hite’s departure.

We are thankful that Dr. William R. Hite Jr has decided to resign after pressure from several elected officials and concerned citizenry. As we write this, he is heading out to Philadelphia ”the city of brotherly love”. We wanted to take a quick poll to see how you feel about his departure from the massive cover up of corruption, nepotism and professional misconduct which he initiated in many ways. We, the Reform Sasscer Movement, are willing to “let bygones be bygones” on condition that he does not interfere with the selection process of the next superintendent and Deputy superintendent of schools. Take our survey by clicking the link below.

Click here ~~~~>