Prince George’s Co. Mulls Extending Terms.

…at the beckoning of Rushern Baker.


A board of citizens has recommended Prince George’s County extend its term limits from two to three four-year terms.

From the new MGM Casino to a challenging bid for the new FBI headquarters, the county of nearly 1 million is in the midst of a growth spurt.

The term limit extension would have to be voted on by the county council by August, then voted on by the public during a general election.

“I’ve seen first-hand how term limits have been harmful to the country,” Prince George’s County Council Chair Mel Franklin said.

Franklin said expanding the term limits would create a more knowledgeable local government.

“By the time you’ve actually gotten a grasp of it, you are probably in your second term, and you’re on your way out,” Franklin said.

County Executive Rushern Baker led an effort to end limits in 2000 when Wayne Curry served as executive. The initiative made it to the ballot where it failed 65-35 percent. Baker’s spokesperson tells News4 the county executive supports the latest attempt to extend limits.

“Historically, he’s always believed the people should decide when a leader is ineffective,” Barry Hudson said.

Montgomery County is one of several Maryland counties that already functions without term limits.

See the video here >>>

Tell Prince George’s County leaders and the county Executive  no to unfair Extended three four year terms and to end corruption ASAP.

 We are counting on you to stand up for your hard-earned benefits of two four year term benefits and say no to any three four year terms extensions at the beckoning of Rushern Baker administration.

Please consider the impact this harmful policy would have on generations to come. We deserve an open, thoughtful public discussion about how to stop an unfair deal that cuts our benefits to a long term growth.

In general, the County Executive provides strategic leadership to achieve set objectives and goals while overseeing the performance of major departments or divisions within the county and reporting directly to the Citizenry.  Prince George’s County citizens must hold the County Executive Mr. Rushern Baker accountable for generating and achieving revenue and earnings through jobs, employment opportunities, education, apprenticeships and training facilitation.  These opportunities are advanced with the assistance of private and public partnerships; through fostering organizations and community relationships including foundations and philanthropies for long term growth. The County Executive’s performance is measured in terms of adherence to fulfilling the mission, implementation of initiatives, sustaining a viable and progressive working population and achieving goals set and agreed upon by the citizenry.

Mr. Rushern Baker’s failure as a leader and visionary has come full circle as he continues to bluff his way through a dormant administration surrounded by corruption and false promises facilitated by major fraud in the school system.  Prince Georgians cannot stomach four more years of fluff and hot air guided by deception.  Prince George’s County budget deficit of $111 million dollars, the loss of over 10,000 jobs which continues to grow and average SAT scores 300 points below the national average is unacceptable.  Rushern Baker’s  $3.4 billion dollar 2015 spending proposal is short sighted and ignores the future of our children!  Please ask yourself, is your child better off today than in 2010?  We are going backwards and the slide must stop with Mr. Baker out in the cold!  The citizens are asking for a change in leadership NOW and an end to unfair Extended three four year terms being advanced by Rushern Baker administration in order to continue deliberate milking of the county system. We must say no to this calamity. Read more >>>> Concerning major fraud being hidden in plain sight.



Mr. Rushern Baker –The all powerful current County Executive for Prince George’s County is known not to be a man of his word according to Prince George’s County NAACP Chapter. He makes promises he cannot keep and is deeply involved in the scandal comprising Dr. kevin Maxwell. (Read more Major scandal Developing in Upper Marlboro). On this note, Mr. Baker needs to take responsibility and resign!



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